
About us

Since 2003, we have been steadfast in our mission to help organizations navigate the complex landscape of legal, sustainability and implementation requirements related to hazardous substances. For over two decades, Stoffenmanager® has been an internationally recognized tool, aiming to significantly reduce workplace exposure risks to hazardous substances. With endorsements from the Dutch Labour Inspectorate and the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), our scientifically validated tool is a cornerstone of workplace health and safety.

Evolution into a Comprehensive Platform

What began as a practical tool has blossomed into a comprehensive software platform, serving over 45,000 accounts worldwide. Stoffenmanager® offers a wealth of knowledge, innovative solutions, and practical strategies for managing hazardous substances. Our commitment to social responsibility is evident in our freemium model, which allows organizations with a limited number of substances to access a free basic account. This model helps these organizations comply with Dutch regulations, including those for carcinogenic, mutagenic, and reprotoxic (CMR) substances.

Dedication to Education and Training

We believe in empowering companies through education. That's why we offer a wide array of training courses and webinars, many of which are free. These resources equip companies with the knowledge and technical tools necessary to mitigate exposure risks. As companies expand globally, Stoffenmanager® supports international operations by being available in 11 languages, benefiting organizations with multiple international locations.

Collaborative Efforts and Scientific Integration

Our close partnerships with esteemed national and international entities, such as TNO, IFA (Germany), and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, keep us at the cutting edge of scientific developments. These collaborations enable us to continually integrate the latest advancements into our software, ensuring our users always have the best software at their disposal.

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is to provide both small and large companies with the tools and knowledge needed to create healthy and safe workplaces. We aim to maximize our impact in promoting safe practices for handling hazardous substances and biological agents. Looking to the future, our vision is to foster innovation and collaboration, ensuring ever-safer working conditions in the face of chemical and biological risks.

We invite you to join us in our mission. By utilizing Stoffenmanager® and participating in our educational programs, together, we can create a safer future for all workers dealing with hazardous substances.